Our chemical composition:  Who is Drexel Building Supply

Okay so we doubled our sales from 2003-2009 and doubled again from 2009-2013.  However, as our customer, you aren’t looking for a bigger supplier; you’re looking for a better one… no you are looking for THE BEST ONE.

You are looking for one you can trust and treats you like a friend; makes you feel important and special, because you are.  You are looking for one that will deliver value by delivering you the right information and products, to the right place, at the right price, at the right time.  And one that works with you to increase your sales, reduce your cost and improve your productivity.   One that saves you:


Because without YOU their isn’t US, we can never stay stagnant we can never quit getting better.  We work to improve you and your clients EXPERIENCE with us every time.

Our goal is to be the BEST supplier and subcontractor on your job.  Not among our competition, but the BEST you have ever worked with regardless of industry.

That’s a lofty vision; but that is what every team member understands when they begin the journey with us.  No problems, only solutions.

We were founded in 1985 by Albert Fleischman as a TEAM based on the work ethic, pride, and truthfulness of the Wisconsin immigrant German farmers.  Those farmers that surround our small town of Campbellsport, WI and where Albert has deep roots.  Another aspect of what we do is to HAVE FUN which follows the tradition of these hard working German immigrants as well.   We serve builders and their clients, industrial customers, agricultural communities, interior designers, commercial contractors and weekend warriors.

Our servant leadership style currently serves 6 locations with over 220 team members.  Drexel makes deliveries daily to all parts of Wisconsin at an ON TIME AND IF FULL RATIO OF 92.2% COMPLETE AS OF THIS WRITING– primarily South Eastern, Central, and East Central Wisconsin.  It our customers request we can deliver ANYWHERE… and have delivered to over 25 states and growing.

We are here to help you achieve your goals, be it for one small deck to a 100 million dollar a year new construction company.


– Joel Fleischman.  Joel is the president & Head Coach of the solution providers for Drexel Building Supply.  (drexelteam.com).   You can follow him on twitter:  @JoelmFleischman.  He has provided solutions for builders and their clients since 1996 and a whole bunch of other stuff that you probably don’t care about.



Today Joe Rogan (thank you John Klein for passing on) is not the funny guy but the inspiring guy:


You WILL BE the person 5 years from now, on what you focus on today.

Junk in, Junk out.  How are you living your life TODAY.  Not yesterday, not tomorrow.  TODAY.

If you are focused on fishing, you will be a better fisherman.  If you worked out today, you are now healthier.  If you gave your spouse an extra hug you are focusing more on your family.  Where is your time spent NOW…THAT’S THE FUTURE YOU ARE BUILDING.

Not many people will get this… maybe you will… and be your own Hero in your own Movie.


Someone at Drexel just asked me a question (since we asked all of them at the annual personal development plan meeting).

So, everyone else in the company answered these questions and I am curious what your answers are. What motivates you and how do you like to be rewarded?

Here was my response:

Customers so happy they wouldn’t consider a new source.  They WON’T LET their friends and family shop anywhere else because of the value we brought to them. That absolutely INSPIRES ME.  RAVING FANS.

Team members that believe and live the above, and are driven, happy and focused to make it happen.


Anything with our 10 core values I truly see live on is incredible.

Positive sale numbers with margins we need to make this all possible.

And above all…

If we do the above we can/will help the community, giving back gives me goosebumps, its why we exist…it’s my true calling.


– Joel Fleischman.  Joel is the president & Head Coach of the solution providers for Drexel Building Supply.  (drexelteam.com).   You can follow him on twitter:  @JoelmFleischman.  He has provided solutions for builders and their clients since 1996 and a whole bunch of other stuff that you probably don’t care about.



Thank God it’s Monday!

Right now you are doing too much- too much planning- too much trying to be perfect.

Pick one thing.  You can only do one thing at a time anyway.

Do it deliberately.  Do it with passion.  Do it with every ounce of your energy.  AND GRIND.

If you think what you are doing right now is too small for your greatness…OR if you are frustrated by your current role because it doesn’t have a great job title.. OR because you are behind the scenes…OR you feel you are PAST the stages of GRINDINGYOU ARE WRONG.

Tiger Woods starts EVERY DAY before he golfs shooting four foot putts for 30 minutes.  Four foot putts. No one’s watching.  No one is making him do it.   He’s not earning anything by doing this.


Michael Jordan AFTER PRACTICE shot free throws every day.  He was the last one to leave the gym.  He is the 76th best free throw shooter ever.  Imagine a tough practice, you shower, you talk with the fellas, you get dressed you walk out and MJ is still shooting.  Not ridiculous 3 pointers or impossible dunks.  Free throws.  A 15′ set shot.  And he’s ALREADY  a better free throw shooter than you.


How did Mark Cuban, the BILLIONAIRE on shark tank, become “great”?  He was broke when he was 25, lived on a couch of a guy he knew, and  found his passion working at a software repair and sales company.  He didn’t know computers- he didn’t even own one- but at night he would read all the instruction manuals.  He assumed every one else did too.  Soon he was an expert in his industry ONLY BECAUSE HE READ THE MANUALS!  (No one else did, or probably still does, even though it was right in front of them.)


Practice your trade.  Have you been to model homes lately? Do you plan on going to parade of homes?  Do you read every trade article in our industry’s monthly magazines?  Do you read business books of how people became great?  Do you watch installation videos of your products?   Have you considered taking another accounting class?  When you deliver products to a builder, if you don’t know what it is, do you ask them what they use it for?

You want to be the best?  READ.  LEARN.  Have you went through every piece of literature in our showroom and read the information in it?  Why not?   Too much going on?  Then focus.  Quit doing what doesn’t matter and be great at what you want to achieve.  Not at what distracts you.



That’s what the mediocre do.  They are scared to start so they plan.  They say it needs tweaking and they are scared to launch what they have.  DO IT.  READY, FIRE, AIM.  How can you know if the gun will hit the bulls eye if you don’t know where it shoots.  Learn as you go.

My blogs are not well edited.  They are no where near perfect, but if i worried about that, I would never post anything.  THAT WOULD BE A FAIL.  I’ll take the B- in grammar, as long as I am getting connected.


And if you want to go deeper into the rabbit hole… hello to Mr. Motivation E.T.!

– Joel Fleischman.  Joel is the president & Head Coach of the solution providers for Drexel Building Supply.  (drexelteam.com).   You can follow him on twitter:  @JoelmFleischman.  He has provided solutions for builders and their clients since 1996 and a whole bunch of other stuff that you probably don’t care about.